Hello and welcome to my website. My current designation is Winter, and I'm a transgender girl-adjacent entity. Identity isn't fixed, this will be subject to future revision.
It's been a while since I've really worked on this site. It's been a particularly difficult year in many ways but I'm finally making changes again. I intend to work on some other parts of the site more too. Some things I hope to add soon include pages for some of my interests. Including EAS sirens, trains, old tech such as computers and the like, transgender and queer history, Star Trek, among others. Currently I'm working on populating the links page with the many many pages I have saved to my bookmarks. I also desperately need to update my artwork and photography pages.
It feels as though this site has remained very unchanged despite my personal changes and I'm hoping to rectify that some, although I don't exactly know now what role it has in my life, especially with minimal traffic. I'm gonna work on setting up some other things though so it can be a repository for some of the things I've made, and a bit of a jumping off point to other places I've put things and the like.
This is a place outside the system. This is a place of quiet, of reflection. A place of cloudy November days, of tea, of the sound of leaves.
Or perhaps it's the sound of a distant train. Or the feeling just before snowfall. Or the buzzing of a forgotten florescent lamp.
Sometimes, it's fire. It's the sound of crushing gravel and broken glass. It's rust and pain.
Perhaps it's whatever it means to you.
Maybe, it's just a website. Questionable HTML and CSS displaying something that might look nice, and if it doesn't please go open it on a computer instead of your phone.
Maybe, just maybe. It's all a dream.
I wonder if you'll remember it when you wake?